I had this typed last night but I accidentally refreshed and lost it
So let's try this again.
Angie - Bridget is essentially the "Lorii" of this season. Basically she's one of these people who are very hyped up, someone I never seen before, and someone that already looks like they can kick some major ass. She seems to have a great social game and unfortunately a lot of auto allies. But hopefully she doesn't need to rely on those to get ahead.
April - I only really know Jill from Shadow Survivor where she was Dolly... I don't recall saying one word to her the entire game. So yeah. So far she doesn't seem popular at all. And I hope to God for her sake that she's roleplaying to play up a ditzy character
Braden - Awesomeguy was a casting decision since I wanted at least one young person in the game, just to mix it up a bit. I felt like he would try and not give up despite him not having a whole lot in common with the rest. But so far he's doing alright getting along with people, he's just having problems trying to play too hard, too early. You can't be making alliances and deals left and right on Day 1 as people will eventually compare notes.
Brian - Another casting decision, I wanted to have at least one international person too. I think it's interesting having our first Brit in URTV. Why? Cause I said so, muthafucka, that's why. So far he seems REALLY unpopular from what I gathered so far. Andii seems to like him though.
Pickle Head - Well I wanted someone good to play Pickle Head this season and I think I made the right choice. Carrot Man is doing a great job as the Banana Man. He's
really into the character, which is great. Everyone seems to like him, though they're starting to see through all the butter in his compliments. And he has a fun Diary Room if he keeps up.
Chima - Seems to be smart and articulate. Had a great application and put a ton of detail in her survey. From what people tell me, people seem to like her as well. I just would like to hear what she thinks of the game so far.
Dan - I've been hearing about Juice for years, but I've never actually seen him play. He seems to have a very negative reputation wherever he goes and I guess holds games against people since URTV6 he apparently quit because of a fucking mini
But he seems like an entertaining guy from his application/survey. So far, seems hit and miss with the house but I don't think he'll be a target for awhile.
Jeff - Billy is the man. Great to see him back to Big Brother. I believe this is his first Big Brother game since the last one he played with me which was over 2 years ago. He's one of the most easy people to talk to in ORGs and has a great social game, and it shines seeing as how he knew Andii for all of 5 minutes before they had this final two that she seems somewhat serious about. He has quite a few allies in this game and I would fairly say allies that he earned on his own since he bonded with them during the casting process. Should be fun to see how he does.
Jerry - Well obviously I love this guy
If it wasn't for him, I'd have a huge problem right now. But seriously, it's good to see that he's into his character and not letting being selected as the most unpopular people to play in as ORGs kill his spirits completely. Although so far, nobody seems to like him except Billy.
Bacon - SohiStud has URTV history for bailing out on two of my games before
I probably would have auto-rejected him if not for Shadow sticking up for him. And so far, I don't regret letting him play. He's really into his character, which is great as I saw the person who got picked as Bacon not caring much. Seems to be popular, but a lot of people are making fun of him for his flirting. I don't think it'll hurt him too much for these early weeks, though.
Jordan - Good to see Andii back, sucks to see Amy Cheese gone for good
So far she is without question one of the favorites. Has a killer social game and everyone seems to love her so far, but a few people perceive her as a threat.
Keesha - Already seems to be doing much better in the social department this season. She's obviously got her thing with Andii and seems interconnected with Andii's allies by default. I guess they replaced her kitchen
She's also got Bubani and I'm kinda hoping she keeps a secret alliance with him just to mix things up a bit.
Kevin - I like Alex a lot and I'm glad he's playing again. he deserves the title of the person who's played most of my games, he's reliable and extremely underrated. I'm pulling for him to do well this season and hopefully he doesn't fizzle.
Laura - She's mah girl so obviously I'm rooting for her. She's hit or miss right now. She has all the tools to get ahead, but her vacation right now is going to limit her since she's only really logging into her phone to talk to me and not talk game with others
Plus she's got quite a few auto-enemies in this game, which sucks.
Libra - I'm interested in seeing how Luis will do here. I know he always says "I'mma play Under the Radar" and never actually does, but I think this is the perfect cast for him to do that in. There's a lot of power players here, someone that is already stirring up more trouble than him (Natalie), and lots of potential swing allies. He could do some seriously damage if he picks his shots correctly.
Lydia - Had an interesting application, but I haven't really seen anything from her yet. A few people mentioned talking to her and they seem to like her. But not much else. She's sorta like Chima to me. I would like to see some of their own thoughts.
Memphis - I'm excited to see Adam play. I don't know why, but I'm always intrigued when I see a guy I know that hosts play for the first time (Cody, Alex, etc). So far either seems like he likes ignoring people or forgets to turn his idle/away message on when he's AFK. People are getting pissed off at him for it. He has a few auto-allies and from his confessional, he seems to only really want to stick by them. Very questionable strategy.
Michele - It's been awhile since I've seen Kyle play. He can be a really good player when he puts his mind to it, but sometimes he tends to overplay and overanalyze things. I think he's doing a good job though. His little alliance with Steven and Bubani is great and I do actually like his Diary Room, even if it does get a bit reduntant later on.
Michelle - One of my favorite "newbies" so far. Good Diary Room and has a good social game so far. She likes a lot of people who could be some very useful allies to her, but she also has a few people who I can't see keeping her around as a top ally. So hopefully she gets the priorties straightened out a bit and she can do some damage.
Natalie - I only really know Jeffrey cause of Meow venting to me a lot about him during iS. So far he seems to be really, really into the Natalie character which is entertaining for us, but is geting him into some big trouble. He's obviously got a few auto allies from the iS bunch, but is not making friends with people who aren't "getting it". I could see him being an early target, easily.
Ollie - HATCH! I'm psyched to see him back, it's been well over a year. And so far... people like him?! Hey, it's definitly different in this series as opposed to the "This guy is a fucking nut job and he deserves his own thread" deals, lmao. Should be fun to see how he does and so far seems to be keeping his cool, which is great.
Renny - Nice to see Bubani back for revenge. And I'm really digging his game this time around. I like the little alliance that was formed last night with him, Steven, and Michele. I think I'm going to be really rooting for them to get far.
Ronnie - "Seany Sass needs to learn how to hold a conversation" seems to be the common complaint with him. I will admit our convos in Global usually died but... I'm probably worse at holding a conversation than Jerry in this game so I can't judge :-! I think his best bet is to align with Adam (Since they'll obviosuly know who each other are off the bat) and pull a few floaters in. If he has a hard-on for Andii the entire game, it's going to get him absolutely nowhere.
Russell - Well people are getting pissed him so I should probably make a note that he's going to be signing in later to calm them down a bit. Matt's not great in the social department. He's one of the friendliest guys in ORGs, but he typically doesn't talk to much more than a handful of people. Hopefully he's able to get some social game in when he returns since there will still be a few days yet before the first HOH.
Steven - Seems into the game and is doing swell enough so far. Also I think it's fucking hysterical that he came from Big Brother Veto Rules. I remember when Alex ditched that game and all the houseguests started invading URTV8. It would be hilarious if he finds out Kevin is Alex and see how they react to each other. Other than that, I like the alliance he's in right now and hopefully it works out for him.