So, I feel like I'm obligated to do a quick synopsis of the past few weeks.
Final 6. Russ wins HoH.
And puts up Angie and Jordan for eviction, as was expected, and quite honestly, probably best for my game.
Then, it's the VCMFH. For those that don't know, that's Vaginal Chamber Mopping For Hoes.
No, the Veto Competition from Hell.
So i'm all psyched up right? I definitely won! I have an amazing time!
No. Then along comes Jordan. Jordan the cyborg. Jordan the fucking Veto Terminator. And she wins the Veto by a blowout time.
And takes herself off the block. And Russ has a decision to make; he wants to insure Angie is evicted (hmm... looking back it wouldnt have been horrible if I went up against her
Sorry Bridget lol).
But at the time, Russ even considering putting me up was an OHHHHHHH HELLLL NAH! YOU FOR REAL?
Because I've had enough of that shitttt.
So I mindfucked him into not putting me and Brian up. Or at least made him feel bad enough for thinking about it. So he put Michele up.
He was pissed because he knew none of us would vote out Angie, and Michele offered me the world (literally...she told me I could rule it
), but Michele still had to go for PICKLE HEAD's IDEAL FINAL 5 to form <3. I wasn't planning on it, but no one was realistically going to evict Angie at that point anyway, even if Jordan was considering.
Next Veto comp, Jordan comes through in the clutch with the win.
She puts up Russell and me (she talked to me about it before hand), which was no surprise. She wants Russ gone and knew I wouldn't vote him out. So basically, to insure I do not go home, I needed pretty much just for Russ not to win the Veto. Due to Jordan being skeptical about me because of the whole Diamond Jim situation, I just came clean about it as I didn't want a joke to lead to my untimely eviction from the URTV BB house.
Before the Veto, Brian asked me if he went up against Russ if I would vote to keep him. I said "yes" of course, because Angie (and Jordan in the event of a tie) were going to evict Russ no matter what, so why would I even risk a tie?
Everything went perfectly. Well not "perfectly" per say, but for me to stay in the house, anyway.
I once again thought I won the PoV for once. I did pretty damn good on the cryptogram. But then here comes the blonde robot again, taking the damn victory and snatching it from my fingers. FML.
Clearly, she chose not to use the Veto, and me and Russ stayed on the block. My fellow apple and fave Azn voted to keep me and my muscleman took the fall.
At Final 4, I had one goal. Which was? WIN HO MUTHAFUCKIN H!
And I did! OMG I actually won a Head of Household competition.
At the most perfect time, too. It not only guaranteed me a spot in the Final 3 but nominations didn't matter worth a shit, so I could put up whoever I wanted without them taking offense.
So I put up Angie and Brian, the last two POPULARZZZ.
At the Veto, a big ass puzzle of the game, I went completely off memory and sucked some major A.
I was the only one to take over an hour.
Was I going this week in a vote regardless? Probably not. That said, I was happy to have insured my safety with the HoH.
With a pretty amazing time (and the highest score), Brian won the PoV and took himself off the block.
He then voted to evict Jordan, as I saw coming. Him and Angie clearly have had a Final 2 alliance this whole time. Little does he know the Azn's true allegiance is to me.
So, come Final 3, Angie made sure our Final 3 deal was still on, and it was.
Meanwhile I had a plan.
I rocked Part 1 of the HoH (endurance), handling balls.... not something I think I would be good at, but whatever, i'll take it.
Angie and Bri faced off in Part 2, a slider puzzle. Thank God I didn't have to deal with that, I would have failed majorly.
Anyways, I had a plan. Angie makes part 3, I go to Final 2 no matter what. Brian makes it, talk to him about how neither of us would win against Angie. But Angie won, so it worked out!
In Part 3, Jury Statements, I actually did try -- no I did not throw that -- but I knew Angie would be trying to throw it. However, in trying to throw it, she gave the right answers. xD lmao
Which was better for me, because in doing so, she had to betray her alliance with Brian which could work to my benefit in the end.
And now i'm at the final 2! Hooray! Want a pickle?